Gold Anchor is a global marina accreditation designed to improve marina standards and the experience of marina users. Gold Anchor marinas are subject to independent audit(s) by industry experts and on-going verification including customer surveys. Gold Anchor accreditation operates in a similar way to the star rating system for consumers selecting guest accommodation. Any marina displaying the Gold Anchor accreditation has satisfied comprehensive external assessment of facilities, operations and customer service.
Gold Anchor provides a business development tool for participating marinas through independent third party assessment and feedback which benchmarks marinas against others both locally and across the globe. The accreditation process provides a business health check using well researched criteria to identify areas for improvement and provide an action check list which informs and motivates marina staff to raise standards.
Gold Anchor provides a clear reference and confidence for boaters looking for permanent or visitor berthing and therefore is an excellent marketing opportunity for accredited marinas. Digital and physical resources are provided to accredited marinas to assist in communications with existing and potential marina berth holders. Gold Anchor accreditation is used by marinas to build and reinforce competitive positioning and to clearly differentiate marinas in the market place.
In 2014 The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA) and the Marina Industries Association (MIA) signed an agreement to harmonise the TYHA and MIA Gold Anchor schemes to create a recognisable worldwide standard and to spread ideas and innovation across the Gold Anchor network. This global accreditation was launched to the media at the Marine Equipment Trade Show (METS) in Amsterdam on November 18th 2015. There are currently Gold Anchor rated marinas in 26 countries.
A key objective of harmonising the schemes is to provide clear benefits to marinas and users across the broad spectrum of marinas worldwide. Ensuring that Gold Anchor accreditation is accessible and provides value to all marinas with robust operating procedures, services and infrastructure is a top priority. Equally important has been ensuring that the new accreditation is able to clearly differentiate between marinas and therefore provide valuable guidance to the user.
This transition from the current schemes to the new Gold Anchor accreditation will take place over a three year rolling timetable as marina re-accreditation is due. During this period, both the new Global Marina Accreditation and the current TYHA and MIA schemes will be in operation and will be equally recognised and promoted. Your current marina accreditation is valid up to the date of your scheduled re-assessment, following the three year rolling program cycle. Any accreditations awarded from now until 31st March 2016 will still be awarded under the existing TYHA or MIA schemes. (Should you wish to bring forward your re-accreditation under the new Gold Anchor Global Marina Accreditation before the marina is currently due, please contact TYHA or MIA who will be glad to assist you with your decision, you will be charged as a new accreditation.)
Once all Gold Anchor marinas have been re-accredited under the new global system then the original TYHA and MIA schemes will be closed.
Marinas seeking information further information about the re-accreditation process should contact TYHA or MIA, contact details can be found on the contacts page of this website.
Gold Anchor is jointly administered by The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA) and the Marina Industries Association (MIA); collectively representing marinas in 26 countries.
The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA) - is a global trade association established to support and develop the marina industry. It actively networks marinas and their service providers together helping to establish and maintain good business relationships and communications throughout the industry. TYHA also provides guidance of industry standards through its renowned Code of Practice.
TYHA administer the Gold Anchor accreditation in UK, Europe, Mediterranean regions, Turkey, Middle East (including UAE and OMAN), Caribbean, Africa and America (in conjunction with MIA).
The Marina Industries Association (MIA) - is the peak body representing the marina industries with members in Australia, Asia and the Pacific regions. MIA is committed to the development of the marina industries through education, accreditation and research.
MIA members include commercial, government, club and strata title marinas; boatyards and slip-ways; marina builders and other suppliers; consultants and other groups and individuals certified by the Global Marina Institute.
MIA administers the Gold Anchor accreditation in: Australia, Asia, Pacific regions, India, Sri Lanka and America (in conjunction with TYHA).
Gold Anchor is jointly administered by The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA) and the Marina Industries Association (MIA); collectively representing marinas in 26 countries.
Contact details for:
UK, Europe, Mediterranean regions,
Middle East, Caribbean,
Africa and America
(in conjunction with MIA)
Libby Gordon - Executive
Tel: +44 (0) 1784 223817
The Yacht Harbour Association
Marine House
Thorpe Lea Road
Egham, Surrey
TW20 8BF, United Kingdom
Contact details for:
Australia, Asia, Pacific regions,
India, Sri Lanka
and America
(in conjunction with TYHA)
Christine Roberts - Administration Manager
Tel - +61 2 9439 5806
Marina Industries Association
PO Box 1204
Crows Nest NSW 1585